Hester Prynnecess, beat reporter
one time when i went out to my chicken coop after what turned out to be a particularly vicious attack, I saw that the raccoons had left a single perfectly-outlined bloody paw print, right on the door like a signature
Jan Erickson @WiseWoman
We were awakened this morning by a very large raccoon that has likely killed Rooty, one of my roosters. George, the other rooster appears fine, but the raccoon was huge. Rooty is still inside the rooster house & George won't let us get near it. This isn't the 1st time either. Raccoons are vicious.
09:40 AM - Jul 03, 2023
09:51 AM - Jul 03, 2023
Jan Erickson
I don't doubt it. They're bastards. We witnessed a mother and five babies go after a neighbor's cat...under our front porch no less. It was horrible. People think they're cute and feed them when that's the last thing they should do.
09:55 AM - Jul 03, 2023


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