Tynisa Woke Witch Gen X Walker
It feels like now really is the time to go after the things you want in life, even if its just peace and quiet. Write that book, make that music or movie, knit or craft till your hearts full of happiness. It is the time for Joy and we are not asking anyone's permission to be joyful.
06:37 PM - Jul 03, 2023
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Matt Egan he/him/his
In response to Tynisa Woke Witch Gen X Walker.
I have a great idea for a novel, but the idea of actually trying to bring it to life is incredibly intimidating. The scientific research required alone is intimidating, character development, plot specifics, dialog, its scary. Hey #WritingCommunity How did you bring yourself to write your 1st novel?
06:42 PM - Jul 03, 2023
Tynisa Woke Witch Gen X Walker
In response to Matt Egan he/him/his.
It really did take me time, and with science the fun is researching and coming up with your own way to pay respect to the field your into. Right now I have been researching genetics, astronomy and botany along with Toxins for the next novel. Its all so much fun.
07:21 PM - Jul 03, 2023


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