Marvin Edmonds
This is exactly the time. Obama wasted the first two years of his presidency and so has Biden. Restricting our choices to two is not my definition of Liberal Democrat. Clinton won by 3 million votes. She was defeated by the Electoral College. Stop blaming Greens and fix the system.
Andrea Jones @Andrea0123
This is not a time for candidates just trying to make a point: our democracy is at stake.

Cornel West needs to take a seat already.
10:20 PM - Jul 01, 2023
09:56 AM - Jul 04, 2023
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Used ToBeGop
1. GOP contested Franken's election & Obama only had 72 days of supermajority, during which we got Obamacare. WOOHOO!
2. Until we all vote in lock step & Biden has House & Senate, he is also limited.
3. No one will ever get everything they want, but I am darn sure I want nothing that GOP wants.
In response to Marvin Edmonds.
11:20 AM - Jul 04, 2023
Marvin Edmonds
In response to Used ToBeGop.
I am glad Obamacare worked for you. I had Obamacare and I never found a doctor who honored it. So after eight months I dropped it. Not exactly a great success. Even so I respect your view point and I will express mine at the voting booth.
11:35 AM - Jul 04, 2023
Holly Jahangiri
In response to Marvin Edmonds.
ACA doesn't work well in Texas, but I blame the GOP for that and it's a LOT better than nothing. SO MUCH BETTER. (HMO's suck, always have, but they're better than nothing.) And the GOP will never improve it for the people who need help most.
09:36 AM - Jul 05, 2023
In response to Marvin Edmonds.
ACA plans are HMOs, which means you're supposed to check plan networks before you enroll. The plan will give you a list of providers who are in network. Either you have the worst agent ever or you're making that up.
04:14 PM - Jul 05, 2023


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