Salma Typhii
You throw away the lives of marginalized people with a 3rd party vote
Libby R @Libby
A split vote benefits the greater evil. The predatory class always funds 3rd party candidates because, since 1860, no 3rd party candidate has ever won a national election.
You throw away far more than your vote on 3rd party candidates.
06:57 PM - Jul 04, 2023
07:00 PM - Jul 04, 2023
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David James
In response to Salma Typhii.
The balance between democracy and fascism is too fine in the US right now, there is no room for a third-party vote, the choice is simple, it is democracy versus fascism. Not all in the GOP are fascists, but unfortunately, the ones that count, the ones that shout out loudest, definitely are.
07:25 PM - Jul 04, 2023
Salma Typhii
I don't know about that. You vote with fascists, you are a fascist in my book. Otherwise, if you don't like the Democrats but you are not a fascist, you'd sit out the vote in protest
In response to David James.
07:30 PM - Jul 04, 2023
Carl Angoli
In response to Salma Typhii.
I wish the Democrats in their actions showed more concern for the rest of us but I have decided the stakes are too high to not vote for them. And, when possible, in primaries, vote for the left most candidate
07:59 PM - Jul 04, 2023
David James
In response to Carl Angoli.
Exactly, when back in the UK I voted Liberal in my local election it was because I believed that person was the best to represent us as an area of the UK, that doesn’t mean to say I voted Liberal when it came to the main election for Prime Minister. Sometimes you have to pick your battles.
10:10 PM - Jul 04, 2023
David James
In response to Salma Typhii.
Sitting out a vote is a lost vote in my book, there comes a choice, you can be a Republican and still see that what the current party is, is wrong, and you can vote with your conscience for the opposition. That doesn’t mean that you don’t have Republican values, it just means you’re a normal human.
07:35 PM - Jul 04, 2023
David James
In response to Salma Typhii.
I don’t particularly like what I see of the Republican agenda, but I see that Liz Cheney is vastly different in her approach to many of the current GOP, and there are other more moderate members. That doesn’t mean I would ever vote for them if I lived in the US. I’m simply looking in from outside.
07:33 PM - Jul 04, 2023
Salma Typhii
In response to David James.
Dude, she work with them and backed them right up until the ship started sinking. She is a Cheney and a Wyoming Republican, she knew exactly who her allies were her whole political career. Don't buy her little about face
07:36 PM - Jul 04, 2023


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