Suzanne JaaaNONYA
Thank you to all the people who shared their stories in the comments of how the #Aca literally saved their life 🙏

The ACA did so many wonderful things for middle class (& less fortunate) Americans, and we gotta continue to shut down the haters & their bullshit in 2024 & beyond.

D’s are the way 🙌
Suzanne JaaaNONYA @WWAmplifyingBW
🎯 I know it was better in some states than others, but I used the ACA to get coverage for myself & my daughter when I was laid off… rather than paying almost twice as much to get covered through my husband’s job.

The ACA haters can kiss my fckin arse.

#Aca helped MILLIONS of Americans, PERIOD 👏
06:13 PM - Jul 04, 2023
08:59 PM - Jul 04, 2023
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Claudia Citro
#Aca . When my husband retired, I was able to utilize the #Aca fr the five years until I became Medicare eligible. I would not have had health insurance if not for Obamacare.
In response to Suzanne JaaaNONYA.
09:12 PM - Jul 04, 2023
Suzanne JaaaNONYA
In response to Claudia Citro.
What a relief that must’ve been!

Can you imagine how much WORSE OFF so many of us would’ve been without the ACA??
09:28 PM - Jul 04, 2023
Claudia Citro
In response to Suzanne JaaaNONYA.
I needed a hip replacement, a stent, and shoulder surgery during those five years. We’d have been broke or worse if I had put off that stent. #Aca saved our retirement! President Obama and Speaker Pelosi are exactly what Government should be.
09:51 PM - Jul 04, 2023


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