Mystery Stranger
I guess the only thing I really have to offer the world at this time is stories, so I guess I will grit my teeth and squinch my eyes real hard and write some stories even if I just totally can't. Which I can't. Trust me, I've tried. But I'll try again anyway. Just one story. One bad, short story.
01:40 PM - Jul 10, 2023
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Mystery Stranger
In response to Mystery Stranger.
I know that I can write good stories but to me, they're all bad. Sometimes they're "not nauseating" or "kinda acceptable" but far below the ridiculous and frankly Slaaneshian level of perfection that I have set for myself. I have people who will tell me if I have a bad story and why it's bad.
01:42 PM - Jul 10, 2023
Mystery Stranger
In response to Mystery Stranger.
So anyway I guess yeah I'll write one terrible story about a thing I care about and see how that goes. I'll let y'all know on a scale of 1 to "your brain is melting" how it is. That is SO not getting done today so I'll just say by the end of July. I got a lot going on and only large ideas.
01:45 PM - Jul 10, 2023


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