Hector West
thread 1/2
Another reminder to the dudes on this site, hopefully coming from lots of other dudes on this site:
Please don't DM someone out of the blue. If you want to interact with someone here, put it in the public space. If you're invited to message, that's different. Creeps are lame. Don't be a creep.
LH Grant @LHGrant
You got it.

Men- Do better. Your behavior that makes you socially unacceptable in your small, little real world is exactly as inappropriate and unacceptable here. Consider me to be that guy at the end of the bar giving you looks that tell you it's time to go.......
02:21 PM - Jul 12, 2023
02:29 PM - Jul 12, 2023
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Hector West
thread 2/2
For the record, this is mostly about dudes DMing women because that's the kind of thing that gets dangerous. But I've also been DMed by two separate people trying to hock some investment or other and I'm just not here for that. Guessing no one else is either. Just keep it public for all 👀 to see.
02:32 PM - Jul 12, 2023


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