Michelle_THC4U2C L
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A synopsis of my life that will sound bluntly as a matter of fact because I've learned how to somewhat detach myself from everything.

Since others are sharing, I will too. It'll turn into a thread.

I was born in Pa but brought to Wa at 2 months old to avoid a CPS investigation. I had a brother
02:40 PM - Jul 14, 2023
Michelle_THC4U2C L
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who was 11mo younger than me. My parents split up when I was 2. From 2 to 5yrs old, I was repeatedly kidnapped between my parents (it's legal if your married and have so parenting plan. At 5yrs old, my dad kidnapped only me and did things he should never to to a child. He left my life after that.
02:43 PM - Jul 14, 2023 (Edited)
Michelle_THC4U2C L
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I did find my dad when I was in my 30's to confront him. So, I mostly grew up in poor area's and I did have gang members and prostitutes as friends. They kept me safe and alive. From 7 to 14, I was on and off in over 25 foster and receiving homes. When I was about 12, my mom was diagnosed as a
02:49 PM - Jul 14, 2023
Michelle_THC4U2C L
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paranoid schizophrenic with psychotic tendencies. When I was 13, my brother and I were split up into two different foster homes for the last time. I say last time because when I was 14, I got a call that he was the only death in a car wreck in Montana with his foster parents. I then became a
02:52 PM - Jul 14, 2023
Michelle_THC4U2C L
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runaway from foster care from the age of 14 to 18yrs old. I ran away because after my brother's death, I have enough of foster care so I kept running away to my mom's because I knew she needed someone to take care of her. I watched my mom get beaten by her boyfriend for years. His abuse is partly
02:54 PM - Jul 14, 2023
Michelle_THC4U2C L
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the reason we went into foster care. My mom had struggled with being abused her entire childhood. She became an alcoholic because of trauma. It was the only way she thought she could cope with it.

There's so much more to the story but that's it for now.
02:56 PM - Jul 14, 2023
Michelle_THC4U2C L
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I do want to clarify that danger to me never came from my street friends. It was mostly from the white perverts who wanted a young girl like myself back then.
My street friend's were like family to me. I'm one of the few who made it out alive. It took many small steps to get where I am now.
03:42 PM - Jul 14, 2023
Michelle_THC4U2C L
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My mom passed away peacefully in 2006.
I got a call a few months later from my half siblings that I had met for the first time when I was in my 30's.
Saying our dad was on his death bed & do I want to see him. I said no, then I finally told them the secret that my dad told me to keep from them.
03:56 PM - Jul 14, 2023 (Edited)
Michelle_THC4U2C L
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Yes, I realize I forgot to edit a couple of mistakes like saying, your instead of you're and have instead of had.

I was just hoping if anyone reads it, they'll understand, mistakes happen sometimes.

Oops 😬

Take care, everyone
01:01 PM - Jul 16, 2023
Michelle_THC4U2C L
Oh yeah, I learned long ago, a lot of bad things happen in life. I'll advocate and be outspoken about it but I'll never let it take control of me.

People who have the least tend to care the most about others. I identify most with those who struggle with systems that keep knocking us down.
In response to Mal.
03:12 PM - Jul 14, 2023


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