Karen Pierson
If people don't see why actors are striking, this is why. Most actors don't make the big bucks, but contribute so much to productions. Plus this is where they get their starts. But now studios want to pay them once and then use their likenesses again and again. All to increase the studios' profits.
Nevada Jones @nevadajones
I've spouted a few times lately about the threat #ai poses to anyone in the arts. The threat is real and immediate. It isn't next year or a few years from now, it is today.
#SAGAFTRA #WritersGuildofAmerica #AIArtIsTheft
11:13 PM - Jul 14, 2023
11:26 PM - Jul 14, 2023
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Mary ♿ Cairns
In response to Karen Pierson.
AI is already screwing over authors who use KU. Scammers have AI write crap they pass off as books then have AI read the crap. So the scammers are getting paid and the crap is on the best seller lists Authors aren't getting paid as much and their books are being buriedSo many are pulling their books
11:33 PM - Jul 14, 2023
Karen Pierson
In response to Mary ♿ Cairns.
Which is also wrong in so many ways. The authors are getting hurt, plus people either decide that the AI crap they're now reading is so bad they don't want to read anything. Or they get so used to the inferior stuff that they don't recognize the difference. Either way, almost everyone loses.
11:39 PM - Jul 14, 2023 (Edited)
Anthony Lee
In response to Karen Pierson.
Every profession can be exploited by people at the top. Even actors and athletes.
11:27 PM - Jul 14, 2023
Karen Pierson
In response to Anthony Lee.
True. Which is why they're fighting the exploitation the best way they can. By striking and hopefully hitting those at the top where it hurts.
11:33 PM - Jul 14, 2023 (Edited)


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