Acey Deecey 🚀🚀
thread 1/13
Interesting conversation with Hot VP guy about tenure, pay, expectations, communication, accountability, and making sure we/I have the proper support for whatever I need to make sure I'm hitting goals and expectations. And if I don't, then there are other people who need to answer for that.
11:13 AM - Jul 20, 2023
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Acey Deecey 🚀🚀
thread 2/13
I explained to him that I know for the past couple of months there have been issues but there were so many changes taking place in our department without proper clarification, follow up, and support. I know things were wonky, it's why I intend to set up a meeting with support this week.
11:15 AM - Jul 20, 2023
Acey Deecey 🚀🚀
thread 3/13
I also kept it real with him and let him know there is absolutely an atmosphere of don't talk to him. There are 3 people to go through in the hierarchy before him and employees on the property are to deal with them first, even if that means nothing is getting done. He seemed surprised to hear that.
11:19 AM - Jul 20, 2023
Acey Deecey 🚀🚀
thread 4/13
I said people uncomfortable feeling that they've gone over anyone's head because they don't know what the blowback might be. So even if they aren't getting what they need, they may keep quiet because they feel someone in high as a position as you is off limits.
11:20 AM - Jul 20, 2023
Acey Deecey 🚀🚀
thread 5/13
He said he knows I have faith in myself and he has absolute faith in me and my ability to do the job but recent slips could cost me what I'm asking for. I told him that was unfair if I was never properly made aware of any problems from my general or regional manager.
11:25 AM - Jul 20, 2023
Acey Deecey 🚀🚀
thread 6/13
I was the one who recognized I was slipping and after working to figure out how to fix the issue, I decided to reach out to support and made my manager aware I was going to do so. My regional made me aware of a problem in June that went back 2 months and he didn't explain just sent me a sentence.
11:26 AM - Jul 20, 2023
Acey Deecey 🚀🚀
thread 7/13
So when I got back to the office I went straight to the GM. We had a conversation about what I talked to Hot VP about and how lack of feedback, follow up, and overall communication has been a detriment to me and our whole market in our performance. And it could be a detriment to my money.
12:07 PM - Jul 20, 2023
Acey Deecey 🚀🚀
thread 8/13
I explained I talked to him about money, not to go over her head but because he's so rarely here so I wanted to grab him while he was because I know he's one of the people who gets a final say and I wanted to make sure he knew it was something I wanted and needed.
12:08 PM - Jul 20, 2023
Acey Deecey 🚀🚀
thread 9/13
She basically said she will always go to bat for an employee if they want something but there has to be significant corroboration in her request. Like for example if everything was running on all cylinders plus some, it would be no problem. When the fuck is that ever the case?
12:09 PM - Jul 20, 2023
Acey Deecey 🚀🚀
thread 10/13
I told her I understood completely but they also needed to know this raise isn't even about money so much as it is a livable wage for what I do & where I live. This isn't about performance. This is about, this is my occupation and this is what I should be paid for walking through the door everyday.
12:12 PM - Jul 20, 2023
Acey Deecey 🚀🚀
thread 11/13
I don't know what's going to happen but I've said my piece to those I need to say it to. And I didn't tell hot VP that our RM is a shitty manager. He's a great guy, for reals, but a lousy manager and it's a lot of his fault that communication and support is lacking above property level.
12:15 PM - Jul 20, 2023
Acey Deecey 🚀🚀
thread 12/13
I'm done now, I refuse to beg for something I should have. I asked what I wanted, it's still under the market but I know this company is never going to pay market, which is funny since they use the market to raise rents every 2 years. We'll see if I'm valued. We'll see if they want to keep me.
12:17 PM - Jul 20, 2023
Acey Deecey 🚀🚀
thread 13/13
I'll do my part, my work ethic is my word my mother told me that. She would say you don't have to tell folks a thing, show them how good you are. So I do that, I do that to the best of my ability. And I'll keep doing that. And if, for once, I'm paid for that by this company things will look up.
12:19 PM - Jul 20, 2023
Sounds like a lot of people dropped the ball! The people actually doing the work are the ones who could potentially, pay the price. You were right to stand up, speak up, and explain from your perspective what can and needs to be done for the company to benefit! 👏😉
In response to Acey Deecey 🚀🚀.
11:47 AM - Jul 20, 2023
Acey Deecey 🚀🚀
In response to Dena.
Yeah, it's definitely more than one person or one issue. And there's such an atmosphere of you can't talk to anyone beyond your GM. I don't want to call it fear, but just indoctrination. People just accept shit. Sometimes you gotta say, "no fix this so we can be better."
12:42 PM - Jul 20, 2023


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