Honey and pepper and roses en déshabillé
Why do people entrench the so-called "red state" narrative without concern for citizens?
Honey and pepper and roses en déshabillé @DianeLMajor
Why would we abandon regions for those in power, to let them finish off those who can't leave? Why should anyone be forced out, expected to cede their homes, or questioned about why they stay when the faults are not theirs? Why is the default not to fight with those in peril?
11:13 AM - Jul 21, 2023
11:14 AM - Jul 21, 2023
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As a dem n Tx it’s hard not 2 enjoy the schadenfreude of red voters sweltering w/out electricity or losing homes 2 floods. I’ve spent days n a frozen house & nights on top of couches trying 2 avoid the water. I vote accordingly. My red neighbors don’t. They vote 2 own the libs and we all suffer.
11:50 AM - Jul 21, 2023


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