Kymberlyn Reed
It's never been just about hoods and burning crosses on lawns.

It's not just an issue with conservatives.

Having BLM in the profile doesn't mean folks won't say something out of pocket then double down when called out.
Halo-Halo w/ All the Sighs @halohalomls
Again. Racism is not just the overt. And when it comes down to it in this and several other contexts: impact is way greater than intent.

When called out: Listen, learn, brush yourself off, feel any feelings, and then do better with the new information you now have.
03:57 PM - Jul 23, 2023
06:14 PM - Jul 23, 2023
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Sean Herrala
BLM in profile is the police benevolence car decal of social media, except they don’t even pay for it.
In response to Kymberlyn Reed.
07:34 PM - Jul 23, 2023


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