Armando Alcaraz
Here it goes again... Having a rough day today and in days like this I realize how much I miss more ongoing connections. I found that after my 20s and 30s close friendships became harder to form and maintain. Any men out there share this experience? What have you done (if anything) about it?
04:10 PM - Feb 03, 2023
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Dom Dotta
In response to Armando Alcaraz.
I’m fortunate to have my wife and son. Because friends I don’t have many IRL. I’ve been thinking about ways to maybe try and make some but since moving away from most of them I find it hard to just make new friends. Feels awkward. Not like in school when you just needed to like the same band.
04:22 PM - Feb 03, 2023
Armando Alcaraz
In response to Dom Dotta.
Yes, I think it would be easier if I had time to do an activity just to be social. Haven't quite figured it out yet though, specially in forming lasting friendships. I had some success just connecting over the phone with a couple of friends with some frequency.
04:26 PM - Feb 03, 2023 (Edited)


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