Thurgood Du Bois
Imagine IF we started thinking 20 and 30 years out more collectively?

Imagine IF after Biden's 2nd term we put another Dem president in for another 4 years. That's 12 years of Democratic control. When was the last time the Dems had 3 terms back to back?

FDR maybe. We can do it agian. #Spoutible
09:23 PM - Jul 27, 2023
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Tim Graf
In response to Thurgood Du Bois.
Two terms of Mr. Biden, then two terms of Ms. Harris. By then the R's in Congress should be down to a more accurate representation of how many people buy into their garbage, which, in spite of their loudness, is only about 1/3 of the population.
10:29 PM - Jul 27, 2023
Anton Brakhage
In response to Thurgood Du Bois.
Yeah, the last time Democrats had 12 years was FDR-Truman, where they held the White House for 20 straight years.

The last time any party got 12 years was the Republicans' Reagan-Bush Sr. run, which did a lot to shape the whole modern system, and the deregulated capitalist hellhole America is now.
09:32 PM - Jul 27, 2023


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