Satoshi Akima
A lie repeated often remains an abject lie. Nobody has yet produced even a shred of evidence that a Cochrane review is a universally valid scientific “Gold Standard” applicable to all health outcome measures. Just repeating a lie does not suffice to transform it into the truth.
04:56 AM - Feb 19, 2023
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Satoshi Akima
In response to Satoshi Akima.
Most science is done via direct mechanistic evidence rather than the weaker indirect mechanistic inference of an RCT. An RCT cannot definitively establish mechanism, only infer it. Where direct mechanistic evidence retains PREDICTIVE validity, it must be accepted as the primary form of evidence.
04:58 AM - Feb 19, 2023
Satoshi Akima
In response to Satoshi Akima.
This is how we established the rotundity of the earth: by direct mechanistic modelling. The Cochrane model of science would reject the method used by Eratosthenes as being the “lowest level of evidence”, insufficient to prove the earth is round.
Carl Sagan's explanation of how the Ancient Greek knew Earth was Round - YouTube

Carl Sagan explains how the ancient Greeks knew the Earth was round and calculated its circumference over 2,000 years ago.

05:00 AM - Feb 19, 2023


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