Professor Kyle
That said, there's no good reason for Biden not to be polling better. It's down to the bothsidesing (i.e. right-leaning) media...& a lot of center & left folk who lap it up. Said it before: this is a propaganda war for justice, equality, & democracy, & more of us need to show robust support for Dems
Professor Kyle @blackcatprose
For several years polls showed a leftward skew. Recently they've skewed right; the results have been consistently better for Dems than the polling averages. But beyond that...& while I'm the opposite of complacent...I see no way in hell Trump wins again. America won't go back to that.
10:42 AM - Aug 01, 2023
11:04 AM - Aug 01, 2023
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(((Pro-Choice Morgana)))
In response to Professor Kyle.
There's a very good reason: MSM doesn't have a hard on for Biden like they do for Trump. They play down his accomplishments and amplify imaginary controversies.
11:08 AM - Aug 01, 2023
Craig Tyler
Read an opinion piece a while ago, can’t find it now. Bit it was by a renowned journalism professor suggesting how media should cover 2020:

“Not the process, but the stakes.”

More true now than ever. MSM covers the election like a sporting event. They’re owned by the oligarchy.
In response to (((Pro-Choice Morgana))).
01:37 PM - Aug 01, 2023


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