J.C. Kenney
I wrote my first story in 8th grade. I'd always wanted to write stories, and after a number of starts and stops, wrote my first novel in 2011, at the age of 45. Twelve years later, I've published 15 novels, with at least 4 more to come. It's never too late to get started!
#writers #authors
Claudia Hall Christian (She/Her) @claudiac
Hey #writers , #authors #artists -- when did you know that you were going to be a creator? When is the first time you created your art?

I'll go first, I wrote stories as a young child. I learned to read when I was about 2.5 - 3 and wanted to create my own. I don't have any of them.

Your turn!!
04:59 PM - Aug 01, 2023
05:11 PM - Aug 01, 2023
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