Portia McGonagal
Chris created this platform with specific objectives in mind, and AFAIC, I'm a guest in the house he built. I have no problem abiding by the house rules. The lack of enforcing things at the previous place we stayed is why we're here after all, right?
Christopher Bouzy @cbouzy
1. Allowing adult and explicit content will prevent us from landing certain advertisers.

2. Apple and Google will limit us.

3. Moderating the content is a nightmare.

4. It opens us up to legal liabilities.

5. This is an easy decision for me, and no amount of badgering with change it.

6. NO
01:53 PM - Feb 19, 2023
02:12 PM - Feb 19, 2023
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The question is not "porn" & it is disingenuous to pretend so. The question is a standard so broadly & sloppily written that it could apply to almost anything being applied by ONE person, at their exclusive whim.

I am sex-positive, ART-positive & non-xtian. Some of the sanctimony is repulsive.
In response to Portia McGonagal.
03:55 PM - Feb 19, 2023


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