Dad The Geek
thread 1/28
Let’s see if I can actually make a thread. My last one, that I will revisit, was not done correctly. I’m not an IT expert… oh, wait… yes I am.

To set the stage… It was 1999, coastal SC, and my GF and I had just moved back to the area. Her parents were working comedy on a cruise ship in the Bahamas.
08:53 PM - Jul 30, 2023
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Dad The Geek
thread 2/28
We had moved from SC to CA to FL and back to SC in the span of 2 years.

It was an fun time, before cell phones and navigation. Paper maps and a lot of “where the hell are we”, but not one single argument. Like… ever.

Trust me, spend 7 days in a car, with 2 cats, and never argue?

That’s true love.
08:57 PM - Jul 30, 2023
Dad The Geek
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December in coastal SC was a dead time then. Really no money to make in the service industry. Thankfully we were staying for free at her parents’ house. Her dad was a comedian/karaoke host so he was entertainment on a cruise ship.

Nice life, right? For them and for us.

(To be continued)
09:01 PM - Jul 30, 2023
Dad The Geek
thread 4/28
It was December 23, and I was battling a bad chest cold and laryngitis. I wanted to stay home but she insisted on going out. She didn’t have a job yet, but I did because I transferred within a chain restaurant system.

Of course I acquiesced, against my better judgement. It was after 10 PM by then.
10:31 PM - Jul 31, 2023
Dad The Geek
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We went to a usual spot that a friend of ours managed. His name was Paul and we had all worked together a couple years before at the restaurant where I met my wife. When I say every guy in that restaurant wanted to date her, I’m not lying. Even Paul, who has been married at the time, went after her.
10:33 PM - Jul 31, 2023
Dad The Geek
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I just happened to be the guy to do the right things that got her to fall in love. I was hated for that, but whatever… We were happy, and definitely madly in love. (I’m getting off track, aren’t I?)

Anyhow… we had drinks and food there, and probably got home around 3-4 AM. Myrtle stayed open late.
10:36 PM - Jul 31, 2023
Dad The Geek
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We did the normal thing after getting home. I don’t have to spell it out, right?

Immediately afterwards she complained about a stomach pain. We chalked it up to something we ate at the bar, as we did try some new menu items.

And the night/morning ended with sleep until the late afternoon.

10:40 PM - Jul 31, 2023
Dad The Geek
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We woke up at the crack of 2PM or so the next day.

I had no voice and could barely speak above a whisper.

She was still in pain.

I had to wait tables that night, regardless of how I felt. And being Dec 24th, there’s no chance I could find a replacement.

So I jumped in the shower to get ready.
10:41 PM - Aug 01, 2023
Dad The Geek
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I get out of the shower and she tells me she was throwing up in the other bathroom. Okay, not good… but if it was something she ate that’s expected.

We talked about me trying to call off, but I knew it was impossible.

And then she started complaining about neck and arm pain. Left arm.

Not good?
10:51 PM - Aug 01, 2023
Dad The Geek
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I am not a doctor, but I retain knowledge. Not good is an understatement in situations like this.

We have no insurance, and barely any money, but I have to take her to emergency.

She balked at it. Don’t like doctors and such. I get that, but nope.

No way.

I am not just leaving her alone.
10:54 PM - Aug 01, 2023
Dad The Geek
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I finally get her to agree and off we trundle to the Ambulatory Care Center/Emergency Care closest to us.

Mind you, this is Myrtle Beach SC in 1999 and is not quite a Mecca of good, or even adequate, medical care.

I try my best, even whileI can barely talk, to explain what’s going on.
10:58 PM - Aug 01, 2023
Dad The Geek
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Of course we’re immediately treated like crap. She’s treated like a drug addict. Like she’s there to get some pain pills or something.

They give her a room and I’m ushered out. Remember, I’m only a boyfriend at this time.

I call work and am basically told I have no choice but to show up ASAP.
11:01 PM - Aug 01, 2023
Dad The Geek
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Now, I’ve got a work ethic. My father ingrained in me that you show up no matter what. I had perfect attendance until I got the flu in 3rd grade!

So I do my best to write specific instructions to the staff. Wrote down the phone number of the restaurant, and asked for updates.

(To be continued)
11:06 PM - Aug 01, 2023
Dad The Geek
thread 14/28
So there I am, waiting tables when I had multiple reasons not to be there. It goes exactly how you would imagine- I’m trying to tell a table about the specials, and my usual spiel, and only every 5th word or so actually comes out of my mouth.

The pity looks, and tips, I got that night were comical.
01:08 AM - Aug 03, 2023
Dad The Geek
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Mind you, I have a radio voice normally, so I found it so frustrating. Nowhere near as frustrating as not being able to help my GF.

Finally, a call comes in. I’m on my last table by then, but still have to checkout too.

It’s my GF. She says they can’t find anything wrong with her.
01:12 AM - Aug 03, 2023
Dad The Geek
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However, they won’t release her to take a cab home. Somebody has to pick her up, and I’m the only person available.

I remember telling her I’ll get there as soon as I can, but it’s going to be at least 30 minutes before I can leave.

She still sounded miserable in pain, and defeated.
01:15 AM - Aug 03, 2023
Dad The Geek
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The checkout person, while knowing my situation, was not doing me any favors. I was basically last in line, and nobody would help me.

I finally got to leave about an hour after the phone call, and drove like a maniac to the Ambulatory place….

To be told that my GF was ambulanced to the hospital.
01:20 AM - Aug 03, 2023
Dad The Geek
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The actual hospital was 2 minutes away from my work, while the Ambulatory center was around 20-25 minutes away.

I was furious, but couldn’t even use words to express it. I was barely able to ask why they didn’t call me.

They did. Somebody at my work couldn’t be bothered to let me know.
01:24 AM - Aug 03, 2023
Dad The Geek
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So there I am, driving 20-25 minutes back the other way, bawling my eyes out because I have absolutely no idea what’s going on.

Nobody told me shit.

All I knew was that something happened, after 6+ hours in the Ambulatory place, that required her to be rushed to the hospital!!

(To be continues)
01:27 AM - Aug 03, 2023
Dad The Geek
thread 20/28
After arguing with the front desk… I’m not family, I’m basically nobody legally in this case, they finally let me see her.

She had no color at all. Her skin was a colorless as a sheet of paper.

And she was so scared. I thought I was? Not compared to her.

And she was frigid.
12:38 AM - Aug 07, 2023
Dad The Geek
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I was holding her hand and it was ice cold.

By this time they had her hooked up to everything, with a saline line too.

She didn’t know anything either, just that they took a blood test after she had called me- you know, when they were going to send her home- and rushed her to the hospital.
12:42 AM - Aug 07, 2023
Dad The Geek
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I was removed from the room as they were taking her for emergency surgery.

I promised her everything would be okay, even when I didn’t believe it myself.

They wouldn’t tell me anything, and the only people they would tell were on a cruise ship in the Bahamas, and I couldn’t even reach out to them.
12:47 AM - Aug 07, 2023
Dad The Geek
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I don’t know how I drove home. I couldn’t stay at the hospital, and I needed to talk to someone.

I called the only person I hoped would answer the phone, after midnight, on Christmas Eve.

My sister (but not my sister) back in Ohio.

Between the hysterical tears and lack of voice, she listened.
12:52 AM - Aug 07, 2023
Dad The Geek
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My sis made me feel a little hopeful.

My GF was in surgery, and they would do everything possible. I had to hope for the best. My love, my tenacity, my actions… they made a difference.

I don’t know how long that call went on, hours?, and I don’t remember ending it. I just crashed.

(Pause point)
01:00 AM - Aug 07, 2023
Dad The Geek
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Did I mention that was the first night in over 3 years that we hadn’t slept in the same bed? At the time, I didn’t think it was possible.

Especially not like that.

And not during a holiday, right?

But that’s how it went.
11:58 PM - Aug 17, 2023
Dad The Geek
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The phone rang the next day…It the same day. I picked it up instantly.

It was her! She sounded so groggy, but she was alive! She made it through!

I was given almost no time to visit her. 2 hour window for non-family.

I kept pulling at the string, though… what happened? How did it get to this?
12:03 AM - Aug 18, 2023
Dad The Geek
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A burst cyst on her ovary. She lost around six pints of blood internally between her first pain and having surgery.

The ambulatory care center at least took a blood draw and noticed something was wrong.

They put her in an ambulance, but forgot the paperwork.

The ambulance turned around.
12:09 AM - Aug 18, 2023
Dad The Geek
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Imagine that?

A patient is dying, but where’s the paperwork?

(To be continued)
12:13 AM - Aug 18, 2023
Palmer Johnson
Wow 🫂
In response to Dad The Geek.
01:54 AM - Aug 05, 2023


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