Christopher Bouzy
No, but @courtneymilan is more than welcome to start a social media platform and write the terms of service and policies however she likes. But the policy isn't changing, nor is it being rewritten. Spoutible will not please everyone, but thankfully there are other options for those who aren't happy.
Olivia Wertheimer @KingdomFantasy6
This spout was removed because the account associated with it was suspended.
04:30 PM - Feb 19, 2023
05:49 PM - Feb 19, 2023
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Ocean Ogier
In response to Christopher Bouzy.
This is an extremely disheartening response. Updates to policies to provide better context are not a bad thing. #Romancelandia is an extremely popular corner of social media and you’re declaring outright that they cannot use Spoutible because you’re not willing to update a policy.
07:51 PM - Feb 19, 2023
♿ ♀️ Laura Durnell
Spoutible is a private business and his policies have clearly been legally vetted. Freecom of speech does not apply to private companies. He can do what he wants. The community voted on this. Courtney Milan is welcome to start her own social media platform with her own legally vetted policies. I
In response to Ocean Ogier.
08:05 PM - Feb 19, 2023
Ocean Ogier
In response to ♿ ♀️ Laura Durnell.
1) no one said this was a freedom of speech thing.
2) asking for better context on a policy to be more inclusive is not a bad thing.
3) “he can do what he wants” is really not the kind of hydrosphere that was advertised for this site.
08:11 PM - Feb 19, 2023


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