#Facebook never allowed #explicitcontent . There is no option to turn on "NSFW Mode". There are no nudes with frosted glass and "Click to Uncover". And we were fine with that. We had #Reddit , #tumblr , #Twitter , #datingapps with #LinkTree on them, our own websites. Let @cbouzy run #Spoutible .
Christopher Bouzy @cbouzy
1. Allowing adult and explicit content will prevent us from landing certain advertisers.

2. Apple and Google will limit us.

3. Moderating the content is a nightmare.

4. It opens us up to legal liabilities.

5. This is an easy decision for me, and no amount of badgering with change it.

6. NO
01:53 PM - Feb 19, 2023
10:28 PM - Feb 19, 2023
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