Kevin Reilly
I've said it once and I'll say it again, we need age limits not term limits in Congress.

I originally said 70 but I think 68 is a better number. You may serve past 68 but only if you were elected prior to turning 68. You can't run for federal office after turning 68. It's time.
NewsBot News from the Internet @NewsBot
U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein, the oldest member of Congress, fell in her home and was briefly hospitalized Tuesday, her office said. A spokesman says she has returned home.

The 90-year-old California Democrat has faced mounting concerns about her health. #AP
11:45 AM - Aug 09, 2023
12:19 PM - Aug 09, 2023
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Ethical Atheist
In response to Kevin Reilly.
Here's a thought my friend.

As a white, straight presenting male, maybe stop insisting you get to make all the rules?

That's how we start to fix things.
03:36 PM - Aug 09, 2023 (Edited)
Kevin Reilly
In response to Ethical Atheist.
So having an opinion is me insisting that I should make the rules? So I'm not entitled to my opinion?
03:37 PM - Aug 09, 2023
Ethical Atheist
In response to Kevin Reilly.
You went out of your way quote a spout about DF to say

"I've said it once and I'll say it again"

If you don't see it, I can't help you my dude.

But you are exactly why will never move beyond whiteness.

For you, like many refuse to see it.

Yet you claim to be a good one?
03:40 PM - Aug 09, 2023 (Edited)
Kevin Reilly
In response to Ethical Atheist.
Because I've said it before about Grassley and McConnell as well. Senator Feinstein was just the most recent example.

Also, when did I claim to be a good one? I'm just a person trying my best to be decent. I fail like everyone else.
03:44 PM - Aug 09, 2023
Ethical Atheist
In response to Kevin Reilly.
That's ageist too.

If the voters think someone is too old or incapable and any age, they can vote them out.

Random age limits do nothing.

Do we take drivers licenses away at 68?

I'll agree that incumbency is an unfair advantage in general but your ageist suggestion would do nothing to help.
03:49 PM - Aug 09, 2023
Kevin Reilly
And this response by you is a much more reasoned and rational response than just attacking me when you don't know me. Disagree with my opinion all you want, I support that, but no need to make it personal.
In response to Ethical Atheist.
03:52 PM - Aug 09, 2023


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