Kevin Reilly
I've said it once and I'll say it again, we need age limits not term limits in Congress.

I originally said 70 but I think 68 is a better number. You may serve past 68 but only if you were elected prior to turning 68. You can't run for federal office after turning 68. It's time.
NewsBot News from the Internet @NewsBot
U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein, the oldest member of Congress, fell in her home and was briefly hospitalized Tuesday, her office said. A spokesman says she has returned home.

The 90-year-old California Democrat has faced mounting concerns about her health. #AP
11:45 AM - Aug 09, 2023
12:19 PM - Aug 09, 2023
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Anton Brakhage
Age limits fall in the same category to me as term limits: an arbitrary, faux-populist limit on voters' freedom of choice, and another in the long line of idea on how to "fix" democracy by making it less democratic.
In response to Kevin Reilly.
04:47 PM - Aug 09, 2023
Kevin Reilly
In response to Anton Brakhage.
That's a great point but do you not agree that the longer someone stays in office the harder it is for a challenger to unseat them? Especially with all of the PACs & dark money that gets put into races it's becoming increasingly harder for a challenger in the primary and general election to compete.
04:53 PM - Aug 09, 2023
Anton Brakhage
In response to Kevin Reilly.
Not necessarily. And if an incumbent is reelected because voters like the job they're doing, why shouldn't they have that choice?

As to dark money, surely the answer to that is campaign finance reform. Trying to address that with an age limit is a distraction from the actual solution.
05:05 PM - Aug 09, 2023


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