Tynisa Woke Witch Gen X Walker
There is nothing worse to me than a society that treats mental illness as a choice instead of the sickness it is. Its literally in the name, its not a demon you can pray away or expel, it is an illness that requires medication for some, therapy for most and understanding we often do not receive.
04:20 PM - Aug 11, 2023
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Greg Dickson
In response to Tynisa Woke Witch Gen X Walker.
Ironically, I think the pandemic revealed loads of people who have a mental illness but try to “Tough it out”, deny it exists or are okay with how it’s changed them.

We know too many who self medicate w/cigs/vape, alcohol or weed etc but have a “there is nothing worn with me attitude”
10:49 AM - Aug 14, 2023
Iz Here
In response to Tynisa Woke Witch Gen X Walker.
We have a society that singles out teeth, eyes, & ears as not deserving of healthcare coverage in standard insurance plans. No surprise the mind is also on that list.

If we can put a bandaid on it, we'll cover it. Otherwise GFY.
04:41 PM - Aug 11, 2023
Melissa Griffith ☕ aka Masker
In response to Iz Here.
This is true. I only have good mental healthcare paying out of pocket. We sold a car to pay for it, and I have a choice between doc and meds or therapy. I can't afford both. Finding a therapist that takes insurance is getting harder not easier.
06:08 PM - Aug 11, 2023


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