Antifa Director of PhysEd
The game has been rigged coming and going. This makes no sense.
Yogi Thomas @YogiSunlight
The last time massive numbers of Congress members retired was in 1989 and the early 1990s because there was an ethnic reform law. They could no longer keep their campaign funds after retiring. They are now using the PAC setup to use campaign funds after retirement for personal use.
06:21 PM - Aug 09, 2023
06:31 PM - Aug 09, 2023
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Yogi Thomas
In response to Antifa Director of PhysEd.
In 1990s I heard Congress members keep their campaign funds after retiring during a luncheon at the Capitol Hill Club with journalist Eleanor Clift speaking. She also stated retirees have lifetime access to the Congress floor. Then I found out that it’s the "National Republican Club”. I was sick 🤮
09:55 AM - Aug 12, 2023


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