Salma Typhii
We are moving to OR in the next couple of years and I am sorry for the lost jobs but not sorry about being able to pump my own gas. Shit drove me nuts when I visited my grandma in NJ
Jax Stewart @JaxStewart
Hah! I live in Oregon. I've pumped gas once in my life, when I was 14 (that was decades ago). And I spilled a bit of gas at the end. I'm glad I ran across this article! 🥴
03:24 PM - Aug 14, 2023
03:30 PM - Aug 14, 2023
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Myra Faye Turner
I don't like pumping gas per se, but I don't think I would like not being able to pump my own gas because some entity decided I couldn't.
In response to Salma Typhii.
03:35 PM - Aug 14, 2023
Salma Typhii
In response to Myra Faye Turner.
E.G. on a cold and snowy Thanksgiving when you are late to Great Aunt Elena's, your grandma is flipping out, and that guy is definitely ignoring us because it is cold, snowy, and he's pissed about working Thanksgiving for probably too little pay. Hypothetically
03:44 PM - Aug 14, 2023


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