Gregory Lynn
I think Bouzy has handled this adult content policy very poorly.

Romance writers want to know they're going to be able to link to places where you can buy their books. If they can't do that, they won't be here.

Bouzy has been a dick about it all, which is making me question my presence here.
04:04 PM - Feb 20, 2023
Gregory Lynn
In response to Gregory Lynn.
The purpose of the policy is a good one. Nobody should have nudes in their faces when they don't want them.

But the policy is vague on some things that the Romance, Erotica, and Queer groups have been dealing with for decades.

In that time, lack of clarity has been used time and time again to
04:08 PM - Feb 20, 2023
Gregory Lynn
In response to Gregory Lynn.
punish or deplatform people who were trying to abide by the rules--even the unwritten ones.

When making rules, as in writing, clarity is key. The point of rules is to prevent undesirable behavior and they don't work if they aren't clear.

Now maybe the Bouz doesn't want this to be a place where
04:15 PM - Feb 20, 2023
Gregory Lynn
In response to Gregory Lynn.
people market their stuff. That's certainly a legitimate, if misguided, position.

As a member of the #WritingCommunity , I'd like to point out why we want Romance writers on the site.

This is our watercooler. We use social sites to connect with others who, like us, work from home and often feel
04:23 PM - Feb 20, 2023
Gregory Lynn
In response to Gregory Lynn.
a bit isolated.

It's where we build connections with readers which is how we make the whole writing thing a viable career.

Romance is the single largest genre of literature read in the world by a large margin. That means Romance writers are a big part of the #WritingCommunity just by dint of
04:26 PM - Feb 20, 2023
Gregory Lynn

Romance writers are, as a group, the smartest, most progressive and forward thinking marketers in the community.

We learn from them all the goddamn time.

A writing community without Romance writers is lacking.

Which brings me to Romance readers. These folks are rabid in all the
In response to Gregory Lynn.
04:31 PM - Feb 20, 2023
Gregory Lynn
In response to Gregory Lynn.
best ways.

If Romance writers come here, Romance readers will too. If, as seems inevitable, Twitter collapses under the weight of the prolapsed rectum in charge, I can virtually guarantee Spoutible would get a steady influx of refugees in numbers big enough to matter.

That's not going to happe
04:37 PM - Feb 20, 2023


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