Christopher Bouzy
And that is natural. When Facebook started gaining popularity, it still took time for MySpace to become obsolete. I used MySpace and Facebook for about a year or two before I completely stopped using MySpace. Elon has been a total disaster for Twitter, yet, millions of people use it daily.
Trump is A Moron @DemocratStrong
I’m trying, to be honest I haven’t canceled my account yet but I am there less & less everyday so soon 😊
05:54 PM - Aug 19, 2023
06:11 PM - Aug 19, 2023
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Blair Houghton
I use Twitter less and less every day. The MySpace comparison is apt. It turned into a gutter and was sold to Rupert Murdoch, who was instantly recognizable as a villain. Musk is exposing himself as a chaos agent rather than a disruptor with his bumbling at Twitter.
In response to Christopher Bouzy.
06:14 PM - Aug 19, 2023


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