Greg Westbay
Tax the absolute F@CK out of the rich. Every other policy is secondary. Until we get to the idea that the wealthy have to pay for the benefits they have exploited from society and the earth, we are fighting over scraps. Tax! Put the money back into the citizens and infrastructure.
09:08 AM - Aug 24, 2023
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Nat Collins
In response to Greg Westbay.
Sadly, in the United States of America, that will never happen. The rich own the government. Own the politicians running the government. Own the Supreme Court. We are corrupt to the core. Hard to admit, right? Unbelievable what has happened in our country. Absolute worship and power of the rich.
09:11 AM - Aug 24, 2023
Greg Westbay
In response to Nat Collins.
I don't understand what you mean 'hard to admit'. I just said the absolutely critical thing we need to do is tax the rich, it is the only way to get power to the people. Everything else comes after. And it will come, either we tax the wealthy now or wait until they force a revolution.
03:37 PM - Aug 24, 2023


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