Sassy Musing
I've never stopped using my mask. Remember to get your flu shots this Fall, and RSV shots if you're over 60. The new Covid Vax is supposed to be out in (maybe) October. I'm waiting for it. Please wear a mask.
Dr. Sandra Galindo @SangaPhd
“Other high-risk groups include people with diabetes, cancer, chronic liver, kidney or lung disease, organ or stem cell transplants, HIV or other immunocompromising conditions, a history of heart disease or stroke, dementia or mental health issues.”
11:34 PM - Aug 24, 2023
11:53 PM - Aug 24, 2023
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Kathleen Fuller, PhD
My course began this week. One student hasn't been to class yet because she got Covid in Canada and was detained there. She will be back next week. I'm wearing a mask and trying to get all my students to wear one. No one is yet. Maybe next week.
In response to Sassy Musing.
08:48 AM - Aug 25, 2023
Sassy Musing
In response to Kathleen Fuller, PhD.
Students still have that sense of immortality--I hope they start seeing what the experts are saying and the increased cases in hospitals and use a mask.
10:30 PM - Aug 25, 2023


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