✨?Daria Targaryen?✨
I'm SO sick of hearing people just say "oh it's just a bug going around" without doing any Covid testing. Covid is STILL making people really sick FOR MONTHS after they aren't positive. Stay home when you're sick and wear a mask in public/around vulnerable people. whyyyy is this still so difficult?!
bardsandsages @bardsandsages
FIVE more in-laws now have Covid because my idiot sister-in-law took her sick kid to visit grandma even though her fiancee was sick with Covid. It never occurred to her that her daughter might have Covid because "there is a bug going around at school." I just can't even...
04:23 PM - Feb 21, 2023
04:28 PM - Feb 21, 2023 (Edited)
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Lisa Manifold
In response to ✨?Daria Targaryen?✨.
I've had a cold for a week. I tested myself, more than once and stayed home. When I had to go out, masking and distance. I wish I could shut myself in, but that's not possible anymore. I'm still trying.

And then my MAGA neighbor:Who's that behind that mask? Said in a trilling voice.🙄😡
04:37 PM - Feb 21, 2023
✨?Daria Targaryen?✨
Thank you for trying! It matters. I hope you feel better soon! ✨
In response to Lisa Manifold.
06:12 PM - Feb 21, 2023


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