Anon Ymous
This is the perfect analogy. You come to a place already established with a certain vibe. It has its own ebb and flow, but you ignore it through ignorance that's naivete or intentional and demand YOUR way be the only one that is correct or matters
Myron Clifton @PresidentKamalasHand
One of the identifiers of gentrification is white people demanding the implementation of their rules and social norms. It is why calls to police immediately skyrocket for long acceptable community practices around sound, decorations, schools, etc.

Spoutible gentrifiers are doing the same.
07:45 PM - Feb 19, 2023
08:53 PM - Feb 21, 2023
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Dianne Rees
In response to Anon Ymous.
It felt like performative outrage given the language in the TOS that "Exceptions may be made for medical, health, educational or artistic content." If you are an adult in the world, it is completely unrealistic to expect bright lines to be drawn in a TOS when everything is so context dependent.
09:06 PM - Feb 21, 2023
Anon Ymous
In response to Dianne Rees.
Agreed. It was a bunch of hypothetical bad case scenarios. Nothing has happened that suggests this amount of outrage.

Also, most of us (self included) requested a place where blatant explicit sexually suggestive content would not be allowed.
09:19 PM - Feb 21, 2023


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