Brian Guth
The "A Song of Ice and Fire" series by George. R.R. Martin. It's possibly the only series of books I've read out of hatred. There are so many and they're so long. Think of all the other things I could have done with my time.
Read aBannedBook @RetiredLibrarian
Do you have any literary regrets? A book that you really wish you hadn't read or wish you'd stopped reading at some point?

Mine is Jude the Obscure by Thomas Hardy. I was warned but kept reading. Just. Don't.
07:07 PM - Aug 29, 2023
08:22 PM - Aug 29, 2023
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Kristine Beeson
In response to Brian Guth.
It’s hard to stop something once I start it, the cons of being a completist! But every once in a while, a series or tv show i ragequit because I just can’t take it anymore. But GRRM is pretty important to pop culture so I can see how that would make it harder to stop.
06:44 AM - Aug 30, 2023
Brian Guth
Completely changing the subject, but which Terry Pratchett books are your favorite? Thinking of giving one to M1 to read.
In response to Kristine Beeson.
03:46 AM - Aug 31, 2023
Kristine Beeson
In response to Brian Guth.
I started with witches (Tiffany Aching, Equal Rites) probably don’t start him on the first/second- they aren’t as good. I like Sam Vimes and the stuff in the city a lot - starting with Guards Guards! has the starts of a lot of the best things. And I’m seeing sites that suggest that too :)
10:22 PM - Aug 31, 2023
Gretchen Humphries
In response to Kristine Beeson.
Sir Terry also recommended starting with Mort. I started with Going Postal just because a friend loaned it to me - truly lol'd and was hooked. I would have had the same list you did.
07:33 PM - Sep 08, 2023


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