Steve Marmel
i don't think there's a shot in hell of this happening unless there's a blue tidal wave in 2024 and Biden gets a second term.

people smarter than me: what are the pros and cons of such a leap in minimum assuming it could get past sinema and manchin and there were no filibuster issues?
Tyreek Hill @FreeHousing
@Marmel $30/hr should be the national minimum wage. If we go to congress and force the GOPs hand we can get it done. In order to make it right now a person must be working at a job making $30/hr any job not making that is a waste of time🤷🏿‍♂️ Who agrees with me? #think about it
08:26 PM - Aug 30, 2023
12:14 PM - Sep 01, 2023
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TL. Darby
No more "minimum wage". With corporations (take 'personhood' off the table) raking in billions from profit and tax cuts, the focus should start with raising taxes to pre-Regan trickle-down, on to "liveable wages" moving up to Basic Income. With corporations adopting robotics wherever they can, UBI/B
In response to Steve Marmel.
01:19 PM - Sep 01, 2023


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