Christopher Bouzy
It is an error that has been pointed out by several users, and it hasn't been corrected yet because we are rewriting the entire text for the website. There are dozens of grammatical and spelling errors we need to fix. That said, I hope you find what you are looking for at Bluesky or Mastodon.
Lindsay Brown @lidsville
Until @Spoutible deals with the old-fashioned "he" universal pronoun on its site, I'm not coming back here. Come on. This hasn't been normal English usage for decades, and it transmits an entire universe of patriarchal attitudes. You expect women to stick around for this? Off to Bluesky or Mastodon
01:29 PM - Sep 01, 2023
02:05 PM - Sep 01, 2023 (Edited)
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Texpat Nutmegger
I took a #GenderStudies course back in 2015 where we were trained to always use neutral pronouns. That user saying that everyone is using correct pronouns now is bunk. Turn on any news program or entertainment show and everything is still gendered all the time.
I’m happy to wait for the updates.
In response to Christopher Bouzy.
04:28 PM - Sep 01, 2023


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