My Flying Car 2020
thread 1/10
She can't say what every black women are thinking - racism creates doubts about her competence. We're supposed to pretend the racism doesn't bother us and never give it air or light, lest "colorblind" white people accuse you of "playing the race card." If she did, she and Joe are OUT. 🧵

This spout was deleted.

02:46 PM - Sep 10, 2023
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My Flying Car 2020
thread 2/10
I read an article saying that the moment Barack Obama said that if he had a son, he'd look like Trayvon Martin, that's when he lost this one white lady. She saw it as him bringing race into it.

Before he said that, she could live comfortably. He made her uncomfortable by pointing out he is Black.
02:51 PM - Sep 10, 2023
My Flying Car 2020
thread 3/10
It's cool to be Black if white people get to take credit for being enlightened enough to have recognized your talent or allowed your achievements. It's cool if you never bring up that being Black affects your experience differently. Cool, when your Blackness affirms their sense of being good.
02:55 PM - Sep 10, 2023
My Flying Car 2020
thread 4/10
We're supposed to be authentic Black people as a testimony to how "not racist" they want to perceive themselves to be, and as entertainment for them, 'cause we're so "interesting"... but not so authentic that we make them feel uncomfortable. Wear the extensions AND let them touch them.
02:58 PM - Sep 10, 2023
My Flying Car 2020
thread 5/10
But if they can't touch our hair cause that makes us uncomfortable... Or we identify more with the hunted child than with the overzealous, murderous neighbor... Or we know people don't want a black woman president, AND WE SAY SO OUT LOUD, well, we've ruined the game, cause now they're uncomfortable.
03:03 PM - Sep 10, 2023
My Flying Car 2020
thread 6/10
That's not being cool, it's not even fair, that's not what having a black friend is supposed to be like. If you do that, now they want their comfort back, and if that means getting rid of you, so be it. They'll push you out of work, cause you don't fit the culture. Or vote you out of office.
03:05 PM - Sep 10, 2023
My Flying Car 2020
thread 7/10
Now I know this, cause I'm a black woman, and the culture I was raised in prepared me for these rules. Kamala knows the game. Michelle Obama is JUST NOW living her best braided life, cause she knows these rules, too. But if you ask ANY white person about this Black Friend game, they won't get it.
03:07 PM - Sep 10, 2023
My Flying Car 2020
thread 8/10
White people (the oblivious ones, anyway) will read this article without noticing the glaring omission where Kamala talks about her firsts as a woman, but not as a Black and Asian child of immigrants. But I want to point out that, for the sake of democracy, she is muzzled by the Black Friend game.
03:10 PM - Sep 10, 2023
My Flying Car 2020
thread 9/10
And she's not the only one. And that game gets old for us, but we play it, because we have families to support. And careers to build. And some of us, like Kamala, Michelle, Karine Jean-Pierre, have democracy to safeguard. I'll glad if one day, my kids don't have to play it. But I'd be surprised.
03:13 PM - Sep 10, 2023
My Flying Car 2020
thread 10/10
Y'all don't deserve that we sacrifice for your comfort so that we can have peace. We don't deserve the high blood pressure & stress that come with navigating your fragility & the trifling games y'all won't admit you play. Our resolve is the only thing keeping y'all from burning this whole shit down.
03:19 PM - Sep 10, 2023
Andrea Ball
Just ordered a copy.
In response to Jay Abolish-ICE-Dub.
06:04 PM - Sep 11, 2023


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