Rebecca E
Beating the same drum...again...IGNORE ALL POLLS! Ask...Who is funding the poll? Who wrote the questions? Who and how many were called? Landline or mobile? Etc Etc Etc.
Instead of fretting, work to GOTV in every election! When we organize....we WIN!
Professor Kyle @blackcatprose
Polls have underestimated the Dem vote significantly and consistently since 2018...which, if the press is going to cite them, should be the first thing they acknowledge (spoiler: it isn't).
09:58 AM - Sep 14, 2023
10:03 AM - Sep 14, 2023
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Margie Kennedy
I took Statistics in college. I got an A...but in all honesty it was the only class I was taking at the time and I spent hours on it. It was hard. Here is what I learned: Polls and surveys can be skewed to get the result you want. It is impossible to get a truly random sample. Don't believe them.
In response to Rebecca E.
10:46 AM - Sep 14, 2023


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