Pierson Tyler-Leonard
thread 1/13
Dear followers..
Gramps is in a conundrum which is a two-fold issue, one is a business issue the other is a personal friendship issue & yes of course the 2 are mixed like water & cement in this case.. In 2005, I was very ill, I was awaiting a liquor license that is like the Holy Grail in NYC..
07:48 PM - Sep 21, 2023
Pierson Tyler-Leonard
thread 2/13
I felt I had no choice, given my health scenario, but to sell the business itself, & after much nagging from a neighbor who wanted to buy it I agreed for him & his friend, a person I didn't know at the time, to purchase the LLC, bc you can't "sell" a liquor license just the corp shares & transfer it
07:51 PM - Sep 21, 2023
Pierson Tyler-Leonard
thread 3/13
Now mind you the 2 had full run of the bar for over 3 yrs w/o paying more the a few thousand bucks to run it & turn a profit off of my patience, then I had to hire a lawyer bc again I'm not confrontational by nature & this was a neighbor in my residence so that added to it, he'd flee to Florida..
07:53 PM - Sep 21, 2023
Pierson Tyler-Leonard
thread 4/13
Leaving the guy I wasn't friends w/holding the bag but this guy was a sweet talker, & of course his handsome looks helped a lot, & he paid eventually over 2 or so years BUT I'd be strung along for 12 or more years w/my name as the holder of the license, a violation of the sale.. He paid me more..
07:56 PM - Sep 21, 2023
Pierson Tyler-Leonard
thread 5/13
And of course several years after this I now find myself receiving a certified letter, waiting at the post office, from you guessed the state comptroller about what ? Not sure.. But it is clearly addressed c/o my name for the corporation I sold to.. drum roll.. the handsome bad boy, STILL IN MY NAME
07:58 PM - Sep 21, 2023
Pierson Tyler-Leonard
thread 6/13
This leads to the other issue which is now my friend, good at heart, sloppy about details tho at age about 50, he's reignited a very bad relationship w/an extremely controlling former GF, about 25 yrs younger & each time I see them like just now on the street we live on he's so drunk & not her tho..
08:01 PM - Sep 21, 2023
Pierson Tyler-Leonard
thread 7/13
Each time she quickly rushes him away from me before I can even broach the subject of the bar, but really that's less important to me then seeing him deteriorate, he's smoking after years quitting, drunk every time I see him & prior to her return I NEVER once saw him drunk EVER in close to 20 years.
08:03 PM - Sep 21, 2023
Pierson Tyler-Leonard
thread 8/13
My quandary is this I am afraid to text him bc I feel certain she's controlling him for personal gain, he owns the bar & is an in house creative for Bank of America, that alone is a high paying gig & then the mostly cash bar a top of it is a former stripper's dream sugar daddy so long as she runs it
08:05 PM - Sep 21, 2023
Pierson Tyler-Leonard
thread 9/13
I feel he deep down knows she's controlling him bc prior to this "reunion" out of nowhere she simply moved away from his place, blocked his calls, abilities to con tact her on all SM etc. then just like that after 2 years of pining when he gave up on her she then suddenly was back in love & in his $
08:07 PM - Sep 21, 2023
Pierson Tyler-Leonard
thread 10/13
The bar license is a serious breach of my trust with him & literally makes me responsible as the "owner" of the LLC BUT my concern for my friend outweighs this but how to approach him is where I am now stuck.. He's a sweet guy & she is so deliberately manipulating his desire to finally settle down..
08:09 PM - Sep 21, 2023
Pierson Tyler-Leonard
thread 11/13
It's very difficult for me to separate my friend from my business, he's in manner the guy who'd intentionally cause me troubles & he paid $20K the first time I caught on to my name still being on the corp, so it's not that it's the terrible debilitating influence this person is having on him now..
08:14 PM - Sep 21, 2023
Pierson Tyler-Leonard
thread 12/13
You can say "t's really not your business.." but ironically it is my business as my name linked to it some 2 decades later & a friend in trouble of some sort who I desperately want to help.. She made him like this the first go around bc she was so bipolar acting that is, I don't buy her act at all..
08:17 PM - Sep 21, 2023
Pierson Tyler-Leonard
thread 13/13
She used her
"bipolar" self diagnosis I might add to push & pull & tear at my friend who loves her for whatever reason, likely the middle aged crisis I got myself a former stripper thing but as I am super gay I'm no authority, well yes I am who am I kidding, of course it's that reason..Need advice!
08:19 PM - Sep 21, 2023
Trauma Epidemic
For him to go into rehab would be good, including to potentially repel her. However, you (or anyone else) being the one to suggest it and encourage him to would have the aforementioned affect of her attacking him, most likely.
In response to Pierson Tyler-Leonard.
10:37 PM - Sep 21, 2023


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