Joelle Balfe
When you cut your foot because your person takes you on grand adventures to run free in the woods, fields, and streams, but you won't stop licking the cut, and you don't want to wear a cone, so your person lovingly wraps it up instead, and you act like you have the WORST DOG LIFE EVER... #dailypictu
07:35 AM - Sep 28, 2023 (Edited)
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Melissa Griffith ☕ aka Masker
Mine is in the cone. He just tries to chew off the bandage or pulls on it so hard it frays and eventually unravels. He's a jack Russell with a super long snout too so he still manages to work around the dang cone here and there.

He's given me the mean mommy look often.
In response to Joelle Balfe.
07:41 AM - Sep 28, 2023
Joelle Balfe
In response to Melissa Griffith ☕ aka Masker.
Harry has to wear a cone when he's injured and I can't watch him. But he's generally a very cooperative dog and stops if I say stop. JRTs are a whole different thing. They're super awesome but I don't know if I could keep up with one!
07:48 AM - Sep 28, 2023
Melissa Griffith ☕ aka Masker
In response to Joelle Balfe.
Mine is also deaf. He's really smart, and he knows some sign language. If he knows I'm going to say no or chastise him with hand signals, he looks away!

He's a cool dog, but too smart for his own good.
07:51 AM - Sep 28, 2023


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