Woke/Saying NO to polls
I grew up in a liberal household, but not much traveling until I was old enough to pay for it myself.
I grew up in NYC/NJ, and my parents were very keen on us meeting and getting to know various cultures and people.
Whoa! @Whoa
Same. I largely owe my liberal views to my extensive travel in the Navy. I was raised in pretty conservative households (my parents and my grandparents). But, the older I get the less conservative I get. 😀
02:47 PM - Sep 29, 2023
02:52 PM - Sep 29, 2023
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In response to Woke/Saying NO to polls.
I grew up in Dallas, so I had plenty of Black, Mexican, Asian etc friends. I did get exposed to some different cultural foods, but probably not as much as someone who grew up in NYC. My mom was a Midwesterner and my dad a Southerner. Neither had much appreciation for other cultures.
02:56 PM - Sep 29, 2023


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