Christopher Bouzy
We have already seen an increase in people actually reading the threads. The whole point of adding this feature was to encourage people to interact more with threads. As soon as someone sees 1/40, they tend to continue scrolling. In just 24 hours, we have seen that behavior change.
Ben Peterson @killthrush
Heard about the feature, was skeptical thinking it would be obtrusive as a reader. Tried it and seriously it was fine. The people I follow write threads worth reading so I'm not going to let an AI summary change that. Not like "thank you robot, fuck you prolific poster"
06:39 PM - Oct 04, 2023
06:51 PM - Oct 04, 2023
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Coherent Marketing
I commented on this previously several days ago. I still think you should give the author of the thread the ability to turn off a summary of their thread.
In response to Christopher Bouzy.
07:16 PM - Oct 04, 2023


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