RobPalmerIRL (he/him/his)
Listen y'all Biden didn't want to have to do it, but since the GOP didn't want to reapproprate the money he had no choice. Though he's going to slow walk it as much as possible. Also y'all know the GOP is against FAIR and comprehensive immigration.
Jeff Russell @ImJeffRussell1
Today plenty of Democrats are upset with President Biden about the wall. I understand their feelings but we've got to keep focused on re-electing Biden/Harris.

Let's not forget the wall that's been placed between women and their healthcare decisions nor how the Republicans treat all minorities.
11:07 PM - Oct 06, 2023
11:12 PM - Oct 06, 2023
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Kirk Taylor
The biggest complaint about 🍊🍕💩's wall was its implied racism, its stupid design, and the absurdity of it being "a solution" to illegal immigration. IOW it was a nothingburger that he thought would solve a problem.
Biden's iteration comes with zero claims, and as merely a financial obligation
In response to RobPalmerIRL (he/him/his).
11:44 PM - Oct 06, 2023


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