Christopher Bouzy
thread 1/2
You and I are debating two completely different things. I do not believe AI should replace journalists, but AI can write news articles, and some journalists feel AI is a threat to their jobs. Watch the attached video I made a few minutes ago; AI wrote a brief article in just over 1 minute.
John Luttermoser @JohnLuttermoser
The most important function of journalism is gatekeeping -- deciding what enhances understanding or our world and what does not. The idea that humans programming a bot can do that better than humans without the middle-bot is absurd, whether the subject is a Congressional hearing or a football game.
04:38 AM - Oct 07, 2023
05:08 AM - Oct 07, 2023
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Christopher Bouzy
thread 2/2
Here is a screenshot of those who are on smaller devices.
05:23 AM - Oct 07, 2023
Ruh Roh
Chris, as we've seen with Tay and other chatbots, algorithms & AI can be fed misinfo, outright lies, & vile bigotry. We need humans adhering to high journalistic standards, rather than the current layoffs across the country from local newspapers. There's more than enough real reporters out there.
In response to Christopher Bouzy.
07:48 AM - Oct 07, 2023


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