Woke/Saying NO to polls
When we have seafood, especially shellfish, I freeze the bones, shells, etc. until we put it out for trash day.
Tricia @TriciaPTC
I put banana peels in a bag in the freezer and only throw them out on trash day. Keeps the little bugs away. I also do this with chicken bones. It's too hot here to leave this in the trash and it keeps my trash can from stinking. I don't like a stinky trash can. That's my quirk🥴
12:45 PM - Oct 09, 2023
12:54 PM - Oct 09, 2023
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Lisa Mazzacone
I put smelly food garbage into a ziploc bag and put it in the garbage can. Sometimes I will walk it out to my trash can which is outside and has a lid. Can take days to fill up a garbage can and that stuff will stink every time I open the lid!
In response to Woke/Saying NO to polls.
01:05 PM - Oct 09, 2023


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