Professor Kyle
Looks like there is a way to report ads by clicking on the very tiny information button near the bottom left of the screen. You can report them for copyright violations or for being a scam, offensive, or dangerous...although we'll see what happens when I report the anti-trans ads.
Professor Kyle @blackcatprose
If anyone knows of a way to report and stop this, I'm sure we'd all love to hear it. They're so vile. Makes me not want to use YouTube – which I don't really, except to post videos here.
01:29 AM - Oct 16, 2023
01:45 AM - Oct 16, 2023
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Nevada Jones
In response to Professor Kyle.
YouTube is like hunting for treasures in a sewer. The treasures are there aplenty, but wow, does that algorithm want to steer you into a dark pit, no matter what you're generally watching.
02:22 AM - Oct 16, 2023


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