Fighting For Democracy!
BE GOOD TO EACH OTHER, WE ARE ALL CONNECTED. 102 people arrived in the USA on the Mayflower in 1620. Today, 403 years later, the 102 Mayflower people have 35 MILLION descendants all over the world, not just in the USA. Are you related to someone from the Mayflower? No matter your 'race'.
12:23 PM - Feb 26, 2023
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Fighting For Democracy!
In response to Fighting For Democracy!.
DNA 6: Therein lies the magic of DNA. No matter what we look like outwardly, our DNA connects us and makes us family. No wonder so many people look alike – we’re ALL from the same DNA pool. Hey Cuz!!!
12:28 PM - Feb 26, 2023
Fighting For Democracy!
In response to Fighting For Democracy!.
DNA 5: For example, if you go back 10 generations, to your 8th great grandparents, there would have been approximately 16,384 couples/pairings. If each couple AVERAGED four children each, we would each have approximately 65,535 cousins living somewhere in the world, in THIS GENERATION.
12:28 PM - Feb 26, 2023
Fighting For Democracy!
In response to Fighting For Democracy!.
DNA 4: Many of us know our 1st, 2nd, and 3rd cousins…but many of us do not know our 4th to our cousins 35 times removed, so it’s unrealistic to count our cousins. But Scientists have created a formula that gives us an estimate.
12:26 PM - Feb 26, 2023
Fighting For Democracy!
In response to Fighting For Democracy!.
DNA 3: How many cousins do you have? Since an ancestor is any person from whom you’re descended, a cousin is any descendant of an ancestor who is not your sibling. So, for example, any descendant of your 3rd-great-grandparents who is not your sibling is a cousin!
12:25 PM - Feb 26, 2023
Fighting For Democracy!
In response to Fighting For Democracy!.
DNA 2: So, imagine, if you have 1,024 descendants in THIS GENERATION, just how many cousins you have in THIS GENERATION. How many of our cousins who look different than we do because of various DNA combinations, do we often walk past and not know we’re related? You might meet people who you seem to
12:24 PM - Feb 26, 2023


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