⚛️Shawn Athan
Obama was elected by Democrats while not being supportive of gay marriage. We still voted him in because he was best for the job, party, and country and guess what. He changed course while in office. He was not perfect. No one will be. There is a much bigger picture at play people. Like... damn.
Kyle Robinson @Krobinjr
I don't know who needs to hear this, but if anyone is waiting for a perfect Democrat party before deciding to vote for them, they're gonna be sorely disappointed.

Just something you can throw at the lefties who are suddenly all up in their feelings, saying they won't vote for Biden in 2024.
08:31 PM - Oct 22, 2023
08:35 PM - Oct 22, 2023
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In response to ⚛️Shawn Athan.
If Obama was arming and funding the slaughter of LGBTQ overseas would the LGBTQ community still have voted for him? Our friends and family are being ripped apart by munitions sent by Biden to a criminal Netenyahu and their blood hasn't dried yet. Give us time to grieve and then lecture us.
09:02 PM - Oct 22, 2023
Paul Bradshaw
You are a very easy block, with that ignorant, inflammatory rhetoric.
In response to ammar1811.
01:13 AM - Oct 23, 2023


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