FarD Mai
thread 1/2
I only care because a man his age should be allowed to lay down that mantle of responsibility, and enjoy time to relax and be with family! The fact that this country has descended into such a shit show means he couldn’t in ‘20 and can’t now. He was, and is, needed so he stepped up and is showing
10:26 AM - Oct 16, 2023
FarD Mai
thread 2/2
what real leadership is. I’m exhausted by the fools blathering about his age being a detriment, when he has brought the party to its most liberal platform in decades, and has been successful on major parts of his campaign promises. People are absurd in this country.
10:26 AM - Oct 16, 2023
Charlotte Clymer
I just don't give a damn that Joe Biden is 80. It doesn't bother me. This will go down as one of the most critical presidencies in American history, and it's specifically due to his decades of his experience. I hate to think where we'd be without him. I don't care about his age.
12:00 AM - Oct 16, 2023
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Peggy Stuart #FirstWave
To me his age is an advantage. In his case, age brings a wealth of experience, knowledge about how government functions, and he understands diplomacy. We need him!
If you're at sea in a gale, you don't throw the Captain overboard because he's getting old and then give the job to the man in the brig.
In response to Charlotte Clymer.
07:04 PM - Oct 24, 2023


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