Kristen Edsall
Capitalism & healthcare do not mix. Been in healthcare for > 30 years. Big pressure to please investors FIRST - not good for those who need care. If you think the pressure isn’t real you haven’t been paying attention. It is spoken out loud in meetings at every for profit I have worked at.
Elle Cohen @Mypianoneedstuning
our local CVS pharmacist just walked off the job Saturday due to unsafe conditions, meaning she was worried she would make a mistake because of the volume of work/ not enough trained people to do the work. This is a management problem and is unsafe 4 patients!
01:48 PM - Oct 30, 2023
02:37 PM - Oct 30, 2023
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The only reason for a corporation to exist is to make money for the shareholders/owners and shield them from liability when things go wrong. They do have a place but not in health services or government. America is a cautionary tale for the world. Keep corporations in the fashion/gadget area.
In response to Kristen Edsall.
02:41 PM - Oct 30, 2023


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