Christopher Bouzy
The explore section isn't a timeline/feed. It will always be chaotic and that is by design. I understand a lot of people use it as a timeline, but as the platform grows, it will be even more chaotic.
VergeClub @VergeClub
As far as I'm concerned, the thing that is going to ruin Spoutible are the clusterfux of argumentative replies flooding the main feed. I don't want to be subjected to them; will go somewhere else, because it takes a long time to figure out who the main antagonists are, so as to block them.
06:28 PM - Nov 01, 2023
07:28 PM - Nov 01, 2023
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In response to Lipsticktraces.
Same here. I love Explore precisely for the fact that it's always full of surprises, different opinions, different subjects, and wonderful interesting accounts that I have yet to discover!! I adore the randomness of it all💗
08:52 AM - Nov 02, 2023


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